A Painless Procedure that Restores Facial Volume

As we get older, we lose collagen – the structural protein found on the tissues in our bodies that supports and shapes the skin. Due to this natural course, wrinkles appear with signs and lines of ageing taking over and deepening as the years go by. You can also put this down to over exposure of the elements especially the sun and extreme drying of the skin in cold weather. Stress, a crazy lifestyle, sleeping at irregular times, bad eating habits, limited exercise and worry cause the face to feel the pinch. Ultimately, because of the weighed down appearance looking older than your years becomes a constant.

Advice from various quarters would be to cut back on the craziness, worry, and stick with a diet free from negativity and the elements. It may be easy to slip into a new plan, but the ravages on the skin over time will take a while to improve. That is where dermal fillers play a great role because they plump up the skin removing the haggard appearance in favor of a youthful look. The treatment is non-invasive and lasts relatively longer than you would imagine. It is a good idea however, to cut back on smoking and drinking if you would prefer to retain the glow.

To restore facial volume with dermal fillers an ultrafine needle is injected into the skin directly. After this process, the area is then numbed; this is a preventive measure to ensure that any discomfort is ironed out effectively. The gel pumped into the skin, smooth’s out the crow’s feet, eliminates fine lines, and wrinkles and adds volume to the face. Recovery time is usually about half an hour after the treatment. One may experience a fair amount of swelling which is natural. Over time the swelling will subside. This most ideal anti ageing filler makes you look younger and smooth’s the contours of the face.

The price of the treatment is dependent on the kind of filler used on the skin and the duration required for the person seeking treatment. There are varieties of reasons why some people have good quality skin and others face the burden of wrinkles creeping in sooner than later. The website http://www.iyac.com.sg/ has detailed information about the vast products and procedures available under one umbrella. Since looking good is always associated with youth, there is no harm in finding a cure to arrest the ageing process.

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