How do you know if your Botox jaw reduction is working?

In some individuals the masseter muscles become hard due to grinding teeth during sleep which results in strong angular jaws. To reduce these masseter muscles doctors administer Botox or Dysport injections in these muscles to reduce their size and shape. It usually takes between 3 to four weeks for the results to appear as doctors give conservative dosage to patients for the first time. These injections weaken the muscles which shrink over a period of time. Depending on an individual’s jawline Botox can take more than one treatment to show results.
Signs that your jaw reduction is working

1. Two to three weeks of taking the Botox jaw injection patient will see that the jaw muscles are not as hard as before and do not clench down.
2. It will take a month or two for the masseter muscles to shrink and the face to develop a slimmer look.
3. You will also feel the muscles atrophying and less tension in jaws.
4. Eating food will be an easy exercise now as muscles in the face will work with extra speed and you can eat faster.
5. You see noticeable changes in your cheek structure and the chin also becomes well defined after a couple of months as it takes 8 weeks to see actual results.
6. Doctor carrying out the review a month after the treatment takes measurements of the face and states reduction in jawline.

The Botox injections will cause synaptic blockage that will lead to atrophy of muscles and decrease in bulk. People prefer this technique when compared to surgical methods as this is not permanent and if they do not like the appearance they can forgo future treatments and regain their natural facial layout.

Advantage of Botox Jaw reduction surgery

When an individual has large masseter muscles or has the habit of grinding teeth then it causes the face to look big and round or even angular in the jaw region. When Botox is injected into the muscles then then it relaxes them leading to gradual shrinking of the jawline. The results of this non- surgical procedure are not visible immediately as it takes time for the muscles to relax and degenerate and in some cases it may take more than two treatments for the desired results to take shape. Usually doctors prefer Botox jaw reduction method for face slimming as it is not relatively painless and does not have any side effects either.

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