Improve the Texture of your Skin with Laser Therapy


The largest organ in the body – the skin, faces the most amount of misuse. The environment creates its own chaos that results in serious problems on the skin. Protection from the elements hardly matters until it is too late. Once the damage has been done, practically everyone runs to salons or dermatologists to sort out the issue.

Laser treatment is a solution to ease problems on the skin. The technology includes an intense pulsed light positioned in problematic areas of the body and treats it effectively. The method requires a short amount of light concentrated in the damaged pockets to remove faulty parts without causing any risks or complications to the patients. Here are a few common laser treatments.

Ablative Lasers
Aged skin and skin that has been exposed to the sun are the perfect skin types for this treatment. The procedure works by stimulating the skin under the surface to increase collagen, which helps ease the wrinkles. Once the treatment is completed, liniment and dressing is applied and over time new skin forms resulting in a firm texture. There are two types of Ablative Lasers.

The Carbon Dioxide Treatment
Ideal to rejuvenate the skin but one rule is that it does not suit the dusky skin tone. The Carbon Dioxide Laser is ideal for men and women with acne scars, tags, saggy skin, deep-set wrinkles, and sun-kissed skin and corns on the feet.

ER YAG Laser
The erbium yttrium aluminum garnet treatment helps remove excessive wrinkling on various parts of the body – the face, chest, and neck. Deep lines are eased away effectively and the treatment removes fine lines, pigmentation and acne scars.

Non Ablative Laser Treatments
There are a few types of non-ablative lasers. They remove the external skin tissue without causing any scarring as it works underneath the skin. Here are the types.

Specific areas of the skin are treated with a high energy light that is converted to heat energy. Skin conditions like spots, lesions, pigmentation are treated effectively. Alexandrite laser therapy also removes tattoos, spider veins on the legs and excessive hair growth.

Pulsed Dye Laser
Can be used anywhere and is convenient for people with rosacea, birthmarks, stretch marks on the belly, the thighs, arms, glutes and other parts of the body. Spider veins and broken capillaries are also treated, as are crow’s feet.

Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser
Also known as Nd YAG laser makes use of a crystal that treats various skin conditions and destroys troubled cells. Women and men with highly pigmented skin, lesion, and tattoos benefit from the treatment.

Laser therapy, as a rule, must be handled by experts in the domain. It is never wise to visit a salon that offers you the works. In fact, it may damage the skin resulting in additional problems. Noninvasive treatments have helped people with serious skin related problems improve the texture and tone. Men and women, young girls and boy suffering from bruised skin, rosacea, lesions, wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, warts, and corns benefit tremendously with the right dose of laser therapy.

After laser skin treatment in Singapore, patients may experience redness in the area. One must refrain going out in the sun for the healing process to take effect. In addition, the rays of the sun are not the right solution when you have just been treated with lasers to tone down skin problems. A few pointers that help is to follow the rules laid down by the laser expert and visit the aesthetic clinic in Singapore as often as possible for the expert to gauge the progress. The idea is to find a solution for a problem and continue with the treatment plan suggested by experts.

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